Cardiff Anime & Gaming Con - August 2017

This year I decided to take my zoom camera lens with me so I could practice with it and get some better quality shots, but I ended up taking barely any photos... However, I am happy with the few photos I took. I swear I take less photos at this con with each passing year :')

I had to stand pretty far back for these photos and take a few to make sure there was at least one that wasn't blurry, so thanks everyone for your patience! I'm thinking of only using my zoom lens for outdoor events or photoshoots since it was so crowded at the con.

Photography by Bowtiezombie

Prince Gumball (Adventure Time)

Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon)

Widowmaker (Overwatch)

Weebington Cosplay as Frisk (Undertale)

Kirakirachu as Soldier 76 (Overwatch)
