Overwatch - CFCC March 2017

We had the most amazing time at CFCC as Hanzo and McCree!! Everyone made us feel so welcome, and it was lovely meeting new people; seriously one of the best times we've had at con. We'll definitely be planning more Overwatch cosplays for the future :)

It was my second attempt at handmaking a cosplay, and I'm so relieved that it didn't turn out that bad in the end. The first time I handmade a cosplay was Korra; I was really disappointed with it and it hugely discouraged me from making anymore cosplays. But I'm super glad that I pushed myself to make Hanzo because it was totally worth it in the end, and it really hepled with my costume making skills and confidence. I want to thank my amazing partner for supporting me throughout the whole time, and also for making my beautiful boots ♡

I will be re-making Hanzo for Cardiff Anime & Gaming Con in August, as I rushed this costume in about 2 weeks and it definitely needs improvements. I'll also have the full tattoo next time; there was unfortunately a mess up when we applied my tattoo on the morning of CFCC, but we managed to save half of it.

Hanzo Shimada - Bowtiezombie ~ Instagram
Jesse McCree - Cosplay Paladin
Costumes and photography by us
Our joint Tumblr page


